
"Knowledge is not just power, it is the foundation for making
informed decisions that can change your life and the world around you."
- Nathen

C- Click-through rate (CTR):

The clickthrough rate (CTR) is a metric that indicates how frequently individuals who view your advertisement or free product listing proceed to click on it. It serves as a measure of the effectiveness of your keywords, ads, and free listings.
● To calculate the CTR, divide the number of clicks your ad receives by the number of times your ad is displayed: clicks ÷ impressions = CTR. For instance, if your ad had 5 clicks and 100 impressions, the CTR would be 5%.
● Every ad, listing, and keyword has its own CTR, which can be viewed in your account. A high CTR suggests that users find your ads and listings helpful and relevant. Moreover, the CTR contributes to the expected CTR of your keyword, which plays a role in determining the Ad Rank. It is important to note that what constitutes a good CTR depends on the nature of your advertising and the platforms on which it appears.
● The CTR can be utilized to assess the performance of your ads, listings, and keywords, enabling you to identify areas that need improvement. When your keywords, ads, and listings align with each other and your business, users are more likely to click on your ad or listing after conducting a search using your keyword phrase.

C - CRO Audit

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C- CRO Benefits

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C - CRO - Conversion Rate Optimization

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C- CRO Ecommerce

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C- CRO Metrics

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C- CRO Program

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C- CRO Glossary

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C- CRO Tools

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L - Landing Pages

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O - Oooooooo

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W- Webhooks

Webhooks are automated messages sent from apps when something happens. They have a message—or payload—and are sent to a unique URL—essentially the app's phone 

W- Webhooks

Webhooks are automated messages sent from apps when something happens. They have a message—or payload—and are sent to a unique URL—essentially the app's phone 

O - Oooooooo

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